In this unit, we talked about the function of the numerous muscles that we have, how they work together to create motion, and why the location of these muscles are so important for their function. To demonstrate this process we created videos of the process of motion at the intracellular level. Here is the video. This chemical process allows our muscles to flex, extend, adduct, abduct, etc.
As we studied different muscles, I learned that there are actually three main types of muscle twitch fibers. Slow twitch fibers are slow oxidative, dependent on blood for oxygen and nutrients, and generally are best suited for long duration of exercise. Fast Twitch A fibers have moderately high oxidative capacity, high glycogen stores, and are relatively fatigue-resistant. This shows us that these muscles are best suited for short-term exercises such as sprinting. Fast Twitch B fibers are also mainly used for exercises such as sprinting, but unlike the Fast Twitch A fibers, they are mostly anaerobic, have low blood flow capacity, and fatigue quickly.
Not only did our class talk about the process of muscle movement, but how external and internal forces affect these muscles in the form of performance enhancements. My group talked about aging. While most people do not consider aging a performance enhancement, when people continue to improve each year until they reach a certain limit and their body starts deteriorating. However, before that, the body is generally constantly improving. Here is a satirical ad for this particular performance enhancement:

We did a lab where we dissected a chicken and labeled the different muscles that we saw there. This lab reminded me of a lab that we did earlier in the year when we dissected a sheep's heart. In the sheep heart dissection, we cut into the heart in order to find and understand the function of structures that pumped the heart. Both labs left me with an increased understanding of the anatomical positions of different structures within the body and a better knowledge of why the structure and location of different organs and cells in the body are so essential to their function.
Not only did our class talk about the process of muscle movement, but how external and internal forces affect these muscles in the form of performance enhancements. My group talked about aging. While most people do not consider aging a performance enhancement, when people continue to improve each year until they reach a certain limit and their body starts deteriorating. However, before that, the body is generally constantly improving. Here is a satirical ad for this particular performance enhancement:

I would like to modify my goals from New Years since I haven't been keeping up with them as much as I would like and instead of doing the exercises in the mornings, and running on the weekend, I would like to start jump roping everyday after school for 10 minutes. This way I will still be keeping my body in good shape and it will be easier for me to develop an exercise routine since in the morning, I am often too tired to do any exercise. I would also like to renew my plan for the second goal that I had which is to study a little bit for anatomy everyday. I haven't been keeping up with this goal as much as I would like and think it would be beneficial to my grades to continue this goal.
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