Preformance enhancements are mainly considered to be steroids or other drugs, but in truth, simple, mundane items such as coffee can be considered as performance enhancers. Performance enhancing substances are manufactured products that are meant for oral ingestion, intransal application, or the inhibition of compounds that contain a stimulant, or any substance other than an essential vitamin or mineral, and is intended to help an athlete's performance. However, performance substances like steroids are dangerous not only to one's physical health, but to one's mental health as well. It can cause "Roid Rage" where severe, aggressive behavior can result in violence; mood swings, anxiety, and paranoia among many other psychological health risks. Physically, it can also alter both female and male bodies by giving people characteristics of the opposite gender such as facial hair in females and enlarged breasts in males. Other than that, both males and females are at a higher risk for ligament and tendon injuries, high blood pressure, acne, liver damage, etc.
Not all performance enhancers are steroids though, and with moderation, can be healthy for the body. For example, age, strength training, and massages are all healthier options than steroids and can benefit the body naturally rather than artificially. Unfortunately, old age cannot be prevented and has many health risks just like steroids such as the weakening grip of the hands, loss of neurons in the brain as they die off, difficulty walking, etc. These risks are emphasized in the ad above. However, if people are actively taking care of their bodies through exercise and eating healthy, then they can slow the effects of old age and keep away disease.
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