As I've researched, I've become aware that not only is it the amount of plastic floating around in our world that is a problem, it's the type of plastic as well. Now many people ask why we are so concerned with plastic bottles other than when they pollute the environment by not being thrown away. Unfortunately, plastic bottles including renewable plastic water bottles, contain chemicals harmful to human health such as BPA, PET, etc. These chemicals are known to have adverse health effects on humans since they are proven and suspected carcinogens respectively and can increase a person's potential risk for cancer, impair their immune systems, etc. In fact many reusable bottles declaring themselves to be degradable and eco-friendly, actually break down into smaller plastic pieces and spread more chemicals and pieces of plastic into the environment.

(Example of a water bottle containing BPA)

(Example of a water bottle containing BPA)
Through this experience, I have learned that I like to learn about problems and how they have grown, but sometimes I can get overwhelmed just by how big they are and how much is already on my plate as well. To deal with this minor setback, I have started to learn how to pace myself more by setting small goals for myself by the end of each week. For example, this week, my goal is to have all the questions done for my interviews that I will be having with experts on the topic of plastic pollution in the ocean.
I have also started brainstorming more ideas for projects that I can create out of plastic items that people would normally throw away. I have recently found a video that describes how people can make bags and purses out of candy wrappers and newspaper. This looks like an easy, fun project that will help people find a useful purpose for a plastic item that may come in abundance. Especially around holidays such as Halloween.
Here's an example on what one of these bags would look like:
To apply my ideas to this community, I'm going to go around to different shops downtown over break and find out which plastic items seem most prevalent in our community. From there, I will research methods on how to reduce these types of plastics and replace them with more sustainable, eco-friendly options.
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