Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tissue Lab

In this lab I learned that even though certain types of tissues are classified under four main categories- muscle, nervous, connective, and epithelial tissue; there are lots of different subcategories of tissues in each of the main categories. For example, elastic cartilage is different from fibrocartilage, but both are classified as as connective tissue.
All four of the main tissue types have their similarities and differences. Epithelial and connective tissue both cover the body and help protect its organs, muscles, etc. However, while the epithelial tissue mainly helps with protection, absorption, and filtration, connective tissue helps bind and strengthen body tissues, protect and insulate internal organs, store and transport energy, and is the site of immune responses. Muscle tissue helps with voluntary and involuntary movement of organs and limbs, and nervous tissue helps transport electrical signals from one cell to the other and helps with tissue regeneration.
The anatomy and location of any particular tissue can help determine its function. For example, one can assume that skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton is there so it can help move the bones in limbs and help with voluntary movement. Another example would be the location of nervous tissue around the spinal cord. By its location, a person can assume that the nervous tissue is there to help send electrical signals through the body and into the brain because of the spinal cord's close proximity to other organs. 

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