Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is Health?

Fitness/health is one of the most widespread topics in our daily society, but a subject that people know the least about. Many people believe that health only affects our physical fitness and how in shape shape we are, however, health is the combined social, mental, and physical aspects of our life.
In our ever-changing society, with our busy lifestyles, it is important to maintain a balance between these three sections of our health so we can continue to function as human beings. To maintain a balance for physical health for instance, it is important to exercise and eat healthy. While people may know they need to eat healthy, they might not know that they should eat from five different food groups every day in order to have a balanced diet. The five food groups include: vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, and dairy; and all five of these groups make up the nutrition section of the Five Pillars of Health.
The Five Pillars of Health are the different aspects of our lives that we need to balance in order to live a healthy lifestyle. There's nutrition, that provides support, and energy needs. Exercise, which uses the body to get energy, and staves off disease. Sleep helps rest and restore the body so that it's ready for the next day. Stores manages constant changes to the body and the mind, and lastly, the social pillar is the way we interact with our environment. All five of these "pillars"are important to creating a stable mental, physical, and social heath. For myself, I could work on stress management as I often try to accomplish more activities and take on a higher workload than I should and therefore am more stressed than I should be. However, socially I have a great group of friends who I can trust and physically I am doing ok despite having a higher carbohydrate consumption level due to the after-school sports that I am apart of.

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