For my project I created 3/4ths of a video to illustrate how the media impacts how we view plastic pollution in our society. Unfortunately, I was unable to complete this video due to various setbacks that I describe in my ted talk such as mismanagement of time, a computer crash, etc.
Here are pics from my project that I showed in the video:

At first glance A closer look

An average American throws away about 185 lbs plastic per year.
- Ecowatch

What's wrong with this picture...? No recycling bin!!

Microbeads are just as deadly as regular plastic.
They outnumber zooplankton 6:1 in some areas of the ocean.

Reusable options
Here is my Ted Talk:
I was a little bit nervous going into my Ted Talk which caused me to look at my notecard sporadically throughout my presentation and maybe overuse the card despite my constant rehearsals of the presentation at home. I believe that this nervousness also caused me to talk more than I should have and go over the five minute time limit that was provided.
I think a good thing that I will take away from this entire experience is to work on time management since with projects with due dates further away I tend to mismanage my time more than I would in a project with a closer due date. Listening to the other Ted talks made me see how the 20 Time project was more of an individual learning experience than a project that needed to be turned in for a grade. People seemed to learn much more about themselves and develop healthier habits as a result of this project. For example, I thought that the presentation on different exercises and why people don't exercise was really interesting because it showed both the positive effects on why people should want to exercise more, but at the same time showed the negative reasons people have for not wanting to exercise. I also thought that the one presentation on the guitar was interesting because although the person who did the project originally was going to be a lot of fun, he discovered that the guitar wasn't his passion and that was a great learning experience that not everyone has the same passion, but they can all find their way and be successful at different things. For me, I learned that procrastination is horrible and to counteract it, it probably would have been helpful to set smaller due dates for myself before an entire project is due.
Although I find plastic pollution really interesting and a big problem in our world, if I could redo my 20 Time, I probably would have focused more on ways to promote time management as that is a larger skill that I need to work on and will be important for the future.
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